The founder of The Right Mentor has built a professional career of 25 years in language services industry, in educational leadership and management and higher education. As a language services professional, he authored English Language Teaching (ELT) materials for young and adult learners, as well teaching English at secondary schools and higher education, where he also acted as the academic advisor for university students.
As a leader/manager in language services industry, he assumed the position Director of Studies in further education for several years and later became an entrepreneur by starting a business which offered educational consultancy and private tuition services. During these years, he supervised an ETS Certified Test Administration Site for TOEFL and represented several language schools and universities in the UK and in the United States.
As a PhD holder, he also worked at university level as Advisor to the Rector, Director of Continuing Education Centre, Coordinator of Online/Distance Learning Programs, Assistant Professor at Faculty of Education and International Admissions Coordinator. He was also the Acting Dean of Faculty of Education for a while.
Recently, he has moved to the UK and offers his experience and services to potential clients in the UK and worldwide via educational technologies.